Audition Forms

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Paradise Alley Players Audition form



City, State, zip________________________________________________________________________

Telephone__________________day  _______________ evening, Email_________________________

Sex: M or F            Age_______    Height__________ft__________inches

Where you work / go to school______________________________________________

Character(s) you are auditioning for___________________________________________________

Are you willing to accept any part the director chooses for you?_______________________

If you are not selected for a role would you be willing to help with:

Sets______costumes_______stage hand_______makeup________


Experience or training

Please list productions you have been in, your part and the theatre group. Please note if you have theatre training (classes, workshops, etc.).


Please note anything that will regularly conflict with rehearsals (activities, classes, work, etc). It is difficult to make changes after the schedules have been set.

Please check your calendar to be sure you are available for tech and dress rehearsals and all performances. Proposed rehearsal dates and times. Not everyone will be needed all three days each week. Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 6-8p

Directors Notes: